Architecture overview

The figure below shows the current Maru volume proving architecture, which consists of three main components:

  • Prover Network implements circuits for each requested block range to prove volume of target Dex Pool that includes receipt from Ethereum Node. We generate proofs of requested block range to prove volume of trade pool. Our circuits prove integrity of Keccak, volume summation that includes arithmetic addition operating on 256 bit values, data integrity from receipts, transactions and integrated application logic. To minimize proof size and proving time, and on-chain verification cost, the prover network aggregate proofs required for Plonky2 verifier in Circom.

  • Plonky2 verifier in Circom consumes a SNARK proof from Plonky2 along with public inputs, and it generates a Circom proof for verification within contracts deployed on the Ethereum Network.

  • Verifier Contracts on connected Ethereum Network accept zk-verified proof from Circom generated by the Plonky2 verifier in Circom, then feed the verified information ZK-verifier contracts.

Last updated